"Rome was not built in a day... but it was worth the wait"
- The analysis of the public sector equality duty regulations in the UK in the local authorities to be presented as part of research paper within the Law Society Association conference.
- Ongoing conference panel and roundtable discussion of research findings to my thesis on the Public Sector Equality Duty in the UK; the critical analysis from the reflexive regulation perspective. Key timeline of conferences include Portugal (2022), Sweden (2023), Spain (2024), Wales UK (2024), Morocco (2025), TBC Locations (2026/2027).
- Public Sector Equality Duty; application of the proposed alternative regulatory approach via comparative study; Germany, Iceland, France and Portugal as part of the internship project within the department Centro de Investigação e Estudos de Sociologia (CIES-IUL) in ISCTE University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal.
- Regular monthly meetings on the global issues of pay within the working group on Social Systems Theory as part of the Research Sociology of Law Committee.
- Peer review of Journals and publication of work as part of the working research committee in Oñati International Institute for the Sociology of Law, Spain.
Cybercrime: A Critical Analysis of Implementing a Specific Revenge Porn Law in England and Wales.
Research completed on the conduct of criminal activity through social media platforms. This research is available on Amazon and Kindle.